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Treatment examples with Su-Jok. Lumbago.
Treatment examples with Su-Jok. Lumbago.
Alternative medicine. Lumbago - treatment with su jok therapy ( acupuncture ).....Alternative medicine. Lumbago - treatment with su jok therapy ( acupuncture ).
A case from doctor H. Petrov's practice, Rouse cyti, Bulgaria
44 years old. Immobile. Complained of sharp pain in the area L4-L5 (fourth-fifth lumbar vertebrae). The complaint appeared when he lifted a heavy load the day before that.
I found very painful points in the projection of fourth-fifth lumbar vertebrae on all fingers and toes (System "Insect").
I put three needles in each pain point on four fingers of the right hand and on four toes of the left foot. The needles stayed for thirty minutes. After their removal the pain in the waist totally disappeared. I studied the patient's condition during the following couple of days. He felt absolutely healthy. One procedure was enough for healing the illness.

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