Each essential oil has its own unique aroma and possesses certain healing properties. In order for these healing properties to take effect however, the oil must first be absorbed by the body in some way. There are many different methods to do this and we will describe some of them in this article:
Inhaling essential oils is perhaps the most widespread method for their use. In fact, many people equate inhaling essential oils to all other inhaling procedures (such as inhaling aromas in different ways).
When inhaled, essential oils have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, expectorating, broncholytic, sedative, and anti-allergenic effects. They also stimulate both local and general immunity, not only by affecting the respiratory organs, but the organism as a whole.
There a many different ways to inhale essential oils. It can be done by using aroma lamps, steam, aroma pendants, and various evaporators.
The most popular method for inhalation, which has been used since ancient times, is through the use of an aroma lamp.
The aroma lamp is a ceramic or steel container which consists of two parts. The upper part is cup-shaped while the bottom part resembles an arch so that the cup can be placed on top of it. In order to use the lamp, the cup must be filled with some water and 10-15 drops of essential oil.; A small candle is then placed and lit in the bottom part of the lamp. The heat from the flame will cause the water to evaporate and fill the air with aromatic vapors. This procedure should be done in closed quarters from 20 minutes to 3 hours.
Inhaling essential oils by using an aroma lamp can be done when one suffers from acute and chronic illnesses of the upper respiratory tract, the bronchi and lungs, acute illnesses of the middle ear and sinuses, respiratory and viral infections in acute and sub-acute stages, laryngospasms, bronchial asthma, prophylaxis of post-operative complications, mood improvement, and various illnesses of the internal organs, depending on the essential oil’s properties. Another popular use for aroma lamps is to freshen, add scent to, and disinfect the air in rooms.
Put no more than 3-5 drops of essential oil in a large bowl (or another similar container) filled with hot water. Place a towel over your head and lean over the bowl, creating a sort of tent. Inhale deeply from both the nose and mouth, but keep your eyes closed! This procedure should last around 3-10 minutes and should be performed when one suffers from an acute illness of the upper respiratory tract.
The same procedure can be performed without using a towel by placing the hot water in a thermos and inhaling the steam from its throat. A teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate can also be added to the water.
After the inhalation it is advisable to do a chest massage or to place a compress with the same essential oil on the projection of the trachea and tonsils. Rub the same oil on your feet, put on warm socks, and do not venture outdoors for at least two hours.
Massaging, application, and rubbing on the skin can be done with scented massage oils. The oil can be prepared by adding a few drops of essential oil to a fatty plant oil such as almond, olive, sesame etc.
These are the essential oils most commonly used for compresses: mint, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, etc.
Cold compresses are used when one suffers form a headache, acute traumas, damaged tendons and joints, bruises, sprains, and swelling.
Cold compresses can be prepared by adding 200 g of ice to a 200 ml of water. Add 25 drops of essential oil mixed with 15-20 g of melted honey. A piece of thick, multilayered gauze is then dipped in the mixture and, after slightly wringing it out by hand, it is gently placed on the affected area. You can also place pieces of ice inside the gauze. Place a thick woolen fabric on top of the gauze to isolate it and then wrap it with a bandage or adhesive plaster. The cold compress must be worn until it warms to body temperature.
Bandages with essential oils are a wonderful means to get noticeable effects on different skin conditions. They can be used on wounds, surgical stitches, burns, frostbite, boils, pimples, thrombophlebitis with trophic disorders, eczemas, fungal skin disorders, etc.
Apply the essential oil on a gauze swab and attach it with some bandages. Change the swab after 2-4 hours.
Gargling and using essential oil drops can help heal inflammatory, congestive, sclerotic and traumatic processes in the nasopharynx, the hearing organs, and the oral cavity. They help regenerate the tissue and suppress the development of infections and inflammatory processes. They can be used for acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, nose and throat diseases, acute chronic otitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, parodontosis, and others.
Add 10-15 drops of essential oil mixed with half a tea spoon of sodium bicarbonate 100 ml of warm water. Gradually increase the time spent gargling to 7-8 minutes.
Gargling is more effective if performed with an oil-based solution made with a fatty oil (olive oil) with 2:1 or 1:1 proportions. The solution must cause a slight tingling sensation. If the sensation is too strong and burning, you must water down the mixture. Use one tea spoon of the mixture for gargling - gargle for around 5 minutes, and then spit it out.
;Add 15-20 drops of a suitable essential oil (tea tree oil or manuka oil) to 10 ml of a fatty oil (olive oil for example). Use 20-80 drops of the solution in each nostril and then lay down with your head thrown back until the drops spread to the rhinopharynx. During the first day of having a runny nose you will need to apply the drops every 1-2 hours. As a preventive measure use 1 time a day. It’s very important that the solution causes a slight tingling and not an unbearable burning sensation. If the solution is too strong you must dilute it with more fatty oil. In case of acute or chronic sinusitis use the drops and then put cotton pads soaked with the same solution in each nostril. Keep the pads in for 0,5-1,5 hours.
An enema is the process of using aromatic water to wash the rectum. It is applied for proctitis, haemorrhoids, constipation, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, kidney and urinary diseases, and other organ disorders in the minor pelvis.
Add 5-7 drops of essential oil to half a tea spoon of sodium bicarbonate. Combine the mixture with 200 ml of water. First use these 200 ml of water and then use the rest – up to 1 litre. The water must be retained inside for 5-10 minutes. The best suitable essential oils for enemas are: tea tree oil, juniper, lemon, eucalyptus, rose oil. You can use the aromatic solution to do a micro-enema as well.
The ladies’ shower consists of washing the inner walls of the vagina with a spray of water containing essential oils. This has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and contraceptive effect. It normalises the sectional functions of vagina. It has a pronounced deodorizing effect. It can be used for disease on the reproductive organs and the minor pelvis.
Add a mixture of 3-7 drops of essential oil and half a spoon of sodium bicarbonate to 200-300 ml of boiled water (37-40 °C). Wash with this solution.
Baths are one of the most effective ways to get essential oils inside the body. The essential oils are in contact with the entire surface of the body, they seep into the skin quickly, they enter the lymphatic system and the blood steam and have a very pronounced effect on the organism as a whole. The baths can be for the entire body or just for separate part of the body – the legs, hands, or the backside. These baths can be used in case of 1st and 2nd degree hypertension, neuroses, dermatoses, chronic female genital diseases, diseases and consequences due to injuries of the locomotor apparatus.
The baths can be prepared in two ways. The first is to add 5-20 drops of essential oil in 50 g of milk and add that mixture to the bath water. This way the oil spreads evenly in the water and can be absorbed more easily by the entire body. The second method is simpler – add the essential oil directly to the bath water. However, this way the oil rises to the surface of the water and is not absorbed as well by the skin. If you decide on the second method do not use a towel to dry yourself immediately upon exiting the bath. Allow the oil some time to seep into your skin.
For prophylactic use – take a bath like this once a week. For treatment – take 2-3 baths a week. The first bath should be around 5 minutes but you can then gradually increase the time spent in the water up to 20 minutes. The temperature of the water should be around 37°C.
Rubbing on essential oils can have a slight effect on the entire organism. It can be applied in case of neurosis, high blood pressure, obesity, injuries of the locomotor apparatus.
The procedure consists of adding 10-25 drops of an essential oil which you like to 2-3 litres of water. Soak a towel with the solution and use it to gently rub your body. This procedure lasts for around 5 minutes.
Apply a small amount of an essential oil which you like to the bristles of your hairbrush. Brush your hair like this 2-3 times a day. This ensures shiny and healthy hair. (Keep in mind that some brushes and combs are made of materials that can be dissolved by the essential oils.)
You can improve the quality of the cosmetics you use – cremes, lotions, shampoos, etc., by adding 1-5 drops of essential oil to 30 ml of the product.
Add 1-5 drops of essential oil to the water used to rinse the laundry.
All of the information provided here is informative only. If you intend to use aromatherapy for medical purposes you should get acquainted with the topic in more detail by reading specialised literature and consulting with an aromatherapist.